Wednesday, September 29, 2021




2 Timothy 2

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Lord, I’m on Your side in life and I’m grateful that You have chosen to be on my side, too.
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. What do you think Paul is trying to teach Timothy here? What kind of person is “a workman who does not need to be ashamed”? How can you be or become that person?
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • What do Paul’s images of a soldier, athlete and farmer teach you about being a follower of Jesus Christ?
    • What are some things that tend to distract you from doing the things God wants you to do? How can you avoid those distractions?
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. Twice Paul mentions the importance of avoiding quarrels. If you face any today, think about how you will resolve them now or avoid them in the future.
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. Lord, help me to grow into a person who knows how to live well and wisely follows Your admonitions.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.








1 Kings 8:1—9:9

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Thank God today that he is with you every second of the day, and that nothing can change that.
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. The Temple was a special place where God’s glory was present. Do you sense God’s presence clearly when you go to church? How? What might “cloud” that sense?
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • The worship of Solomon and the people in dedicating the temple was lively and heartfelt. What makes worship come alive for you? Why?
    • What change could you make in yourself to improve how you worship God and encourage others? 
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. As you go through the day, stop frequently to remind yourself that God is with you each minute, and to sense his presence with you and enjoy it.
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. Pray now for a greater, clearer sense of God’s loving presence in your life each day.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.




Wednesday, September 22, 2021




1 Timothy 6:3-21

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Loving God, thank You for providing for me so well in so many ways. I always want to have a grateful spirit.
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. What does Paul say are some of the dangers of money? Have you experienced any of them? How could you pursue “godliness with contentment” today?
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • How would you summarize Paul’s teaching about money? Do you agree?
    • What is our society’s view of money? What is yours? How do they differ from the Bible’s teaching on the subject? Explain.
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. Get your checkbook or look at your bank account online. How have you spent your money over the past 30 days? What does it show you about your priorities?
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. Ask God to show you what it means for you to realize real “godliness with contentment” in your life.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.







1 Kings 2–3

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. I praise You for Your great wisdom, Lord. You are such a wise and good God, and You share Your wisdom with me.
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. If God promised to give you anything you asked for, what would you request? Why? What are some right, and wrong, motivations for prayer?
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • How would you answer if God said to you, as he did to Solomon, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you”? Be honest!
    • Solomon asked for and received great wisdom from God. What are the greatest sources of wisdom in your life? Who is the wisest person you’ve ever known? Why do you say that?
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. Write on a piece of paper the 3–5 greatest sources of wisdom in your life. Reflect on how you can add to them or increase the wisdom you gain from current sources.
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. Show me, O God, how I can gain greater wisdom, not for my sake but for the sake of those around me.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.




Wednesday, September 15, 2021



Paul to the Leaders 

These readings in Paul’s letters cover a wide range of topics. Paul gives encouragement to his disciple and “son in the faith,” Timothy, sets forth standards for church leadership, teaches about money, and describes what will happen to Jesus’ followers when Jesus returns. Paul warns against false teachers who seek to mislead the church and he encourages Timothy to be faithful to the Bible, the Word of God, which enables every believer to grow and mature. There is a lot of really common sense, practical teaching and wise counsel in these passages!

Purpose: To learn more about the qualifications for leadership in the church, how to live a godly life, and the importance of the Bible.


1 Timothy 3

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Thank You, Lord, for my shepherds and the other spiritual leaders You have given me. 
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. Using your own words, rephrase the characteristics Paul gives for Christian leaders. Are they realistic? Why are such high standards so important? 
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • Which leadership characteristics given by Paul in this passage are most common and most uncommon among Christian leaders you know? 
    • In what ways should a leader of a church or Christian organization be different from leaders of other organizations? Why?
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. Schedule a time at least once each week to pray for your shepherds and deacons by name. Pray that God will enable them to be true and truly godly leaders. 
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. My God, help me to pray for, support and encourage my church leaders.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.






The Fall of Israel

In these readings, we see that David, though a great king and a man of God, committed adultery and murder, with tragic consequences not only for himself but for his family and the nation, also. His son, Solomon, famed for his God-given wisdom and wealth, fell into idolatry and soon, Israel fell into the depths of defeat under successive kings. Through the prophet Elijah, the Lord clearly demonstrated that he is the one true God, but because of its sin, the nation became divided and eventually was taken into exile.

Purpose: To see how the sin of Israel’s leaders and people led to the destruction and exile of the Israelite nation


2 Samuel 11:1—12:25

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Lord, I thank You for the wisdom and guidance in Your Word that shows me the best way to live. 
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. What do you think David did wrong and right in this story? How could he have avoided this tragedy? What valuable lessons can you learn from David? 
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • “What I do in my personal life is nobody’s business but my own.” Agree? Disagree? Explain your answer. 
    • What do you learn from Nathan’s response to David about how to act when people you care about make bad choices? Have you ever had to act as Nathan did?
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. In your interactions today, watch for temptations to do wrong and to cover it up. If necessary, tactfully confront someone else who, like David, needs it. 
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. God, keep me honest about any wrong in my life and open to hearing from others when I am not.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.




Wednesday, September 8, 2021




Colossians 1:1-23

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Lord, the more I get to know You, the more I realize that there really is no one like You.
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. What new or surprising thing(s) did you learn about Jesus from this passage? How does that expand your understanding of God?
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • How did Paul describe Jesus? How would you? “He is….”
    • “If you act like a Christian, you are a Christian, whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not.” Do you agree? Explain. Is the reverse true (“If you don’t act like a Christian…”)?
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. When you go outside at night look at the stars and planets. Remind yourself that Jesus created them and holds them all in place by his mighty power.
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. Tell God how amazed you are at who Jesus is and all that he does. Thank God for taking good care of everything.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.

Before the Next Time: Make a list of what you have learned about Jesus and his ways in these readings. Then, take time to thank him for who he is and for what he has done for you in his death and resurrection—and rejoice!







2 Samuel 5–7

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Lord God, I pray to know You better so that I can be more and more the person you want me to be.
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. David wanted to build a “house” for the Lord. If you could do anything for God, what would it be? What is standing in the way of doing it?
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • What would you say made David such a great king? What were his weaknesses?
    • From what you know, what lessons from David’s life could you apply to yours?
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. Today, be alert to any concrete, practical things that you can do for God, whether big or little. Pray first to ask if they are appropriate and, if so, do or at least begin them.
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. Ask God to show you how you can best serve him, in both big and little ways, today and each day.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.

Before the Next Time: Hannah, Eli, Samuel, Saul, David and Jonathan all can teach us something about living with devotion and integrity before God. Reflect on each of them and list the major lessons we can learn from them. Ask God how you can incorporate these lessons into your life.




Wednesday, September 1, 2021




Philippians 4:2-9

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Lord, You’ve given me so very much to be thankful for. I want to have a grateful, joyful spirit today.
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. What does it mean to rejoice? Is it different from being happy? Can a person with big problems “rejoice in the Lord always.”? How?
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • Paul tells that church to “rejoice in the Lord always.” Is that really possible? Why or why not? Is rejoicing a regular part of your life? Why or why not? How could you rejoice in the Lord more?
    • What would you say is the key to real, inner peace? Have you experienced it? Explain your answer.
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. Sometime today, think of things you can rejoice about and then do it! Every time you take a break from your activities, repeat the words “Rejoice in the Lord always”.
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. Rejoice to God that no matter what life is like, you are not alone or unloved. God is with you.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.








1 Samuel 23:7—24:22

Kevin's Commentary 

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Ask God to help you maintain a healthy relationship with anyone in authority over you.
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. Is there a coworker, supervisor or other that you find it difficult to get along with? Why do you think that is so? What can you do to help make the relationship better?
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • What underlying issues do you think affected Saul’s attitude toward David?
    • Is there anyone who has an irrationally negative attitude toward you? How should you respond?
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. As you go through your day relating to “difficult” people, identify any negative attitudes and actions you can and try to react with a positive, disarming attitude or action.
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. Lord, please give me the patience and insight I need in order to bring peace to my difficult relationships.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.





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