Wednesday, September 15, 2021



Paul to the Leaders 

These readings in Paul’s letters cover a wide range of topics. Paul gives encouragement to his disciple and “son in the faith,” Timothy, sets forth standards for church leadership, teaches about money, and describes what will happen to Jesus’ followers when Jesus returns. Paul warns against false teachers who seek to mislead the church and he encourages Timothy to be faithful to the Bible, the Word of God, which enables every believer to grow and mature. There is a lot of really common sense, practical teaching and wise counsel in these passages!

Purpose: To learn more about the qualifications for leadership in the church, how to live a godly life, and the importance of the Bible.


1 Timothy 3

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Thank You, Lord, for my shepherds and the other spiritual leaders You have given me. 
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. Using your own words, rephrase the characteristics Paul gives for Christian leaders. Are they realistic? Why are such high standards so important? 
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • Which leadership characteristics given by Paul in this passage are most common and most uncommon among Christian leaders you know? 
    • In what ways should a leader of a church or Christian organization be different from leaders of other organizations? Why?
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. Schedule a time at least once each week to pray for your shepherds and deacons by name. Pray that God will enable them to be true and truly godly leaders. 
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. My God, help me to pray for, support and encourage my church leaders.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.




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