Saturday, February 20, 2021



The Word Became Flesh

John 1:1-18

Commentary (link to commentary)

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Thank You, God, that You sent Your Son into the world to demonstrate Your great love for us.
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time.  What do you find most striking or significant about what this passage says about Jesus? Has it changed or deepened what you believe about Jesus in any way?
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do.  Write a few sentences that describe what you believe about Jesus, why he came to earth, and what all that means to you.
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do.  Lord, help me to understand more and more about who Jesus is and what he means to my life.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes or Life of Christ Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.


No Greater Love from 365-Day Devotional Commentary, The.


(John 1:1-2)

"Three gods! You've got three gods!"

That misunderstanding of Christian faith is common in both Muslim and Jewish circles. And yet Christians claim, "No. We have one God, the God of the Old Testament, who is shown in the New Testament to exist in three Persons."

It's nonsense to many, of course. And yet as we read John's first verses, we see that this is just what the Bible teaches. The Word, a few verses later on identified as the Son incarnate, Jesus Christ, was there in the beginning. He was with God. And He was God.

Many attempts have been made to find an analogy that will help us better grasp the mystery of the Trinity: the Three-in-Oneness of Scripture's one God. All fall short. The Trinity remains a mystery. Perhaps the best suggestion though was made in the fourth century of our era by Saint Augustine. Augustine argued that God must be a Trinity, for God is love. Before the Creation of the world, God must have had someone to love, and some way to convey love. It follows, Augustine taught, that there must be Three within the oneness of God: a Father to love, a Son to be the object of that love, and a Holy Spirit to convey and express love.

What a thought. Before God created, God was a Person who loved. Because He existed as a Trinity, God has always been able to express that love fully within His own being. And yet God's love is so great that it overflowed beyond His own self. In love God created the world and populated it with persons in His own image. In love God gave those persons freedom of choice. And, in love, God sacrificed the Son He loved to preserve all who believe from the disastrous and eternal consequences of the choices they have made.

The Gospel of John is not only the Gospel of belief and faith, as most emphasize. John is the Gospel of unimaginable love.

Personal Application

Considering who Jesus is can deepen your love for Him.


"Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but on what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded an empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him."—Napoleon Bonaparte

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