Wednesday, August 18, 2021




1 Samuel 8–10

Kevin's Commentary

You are encouraged to go through steps or process scripture in these steps:

  • Pray = in anticipation of what God wants you to discover. Thank God for the leaders of government (at all levels) and pray for him to give them wisdom to lead well.
  • Read = with purpose look for what God is trying to communicate. You may want to read out of several translations and highlight key words.
  • Reflect = on the context and put yourself in the shoes of people at that time. What habits, desires or attitudes threaten to make you a slave to sin? How can you combat them and grow a freer, more fruitful life?
    • God is ... What do we learn about God?
    • We are ... What do we learn about people?
    • God directed Samuel to anoint Saul as king and leader of his people. What would you say are the traits of a good leader?
    • Are there Christian leaders—today or from history—that you admire? Who and why?
  • Apply = information without application is fruitless. Decide on some practical steps you can take for fulfill what God wants you to do. Write a note of encouragement today to a local or state political leader. Praise them in any way possible and assure them of your prayers for them as they lead.
  • Pray = yielding to God to empower you to do what the word convicted you to do. Lord, remind me to pray for my government leaders and to support and encourage them in any way I can.

For deeper Bible study and more resources go to my Commentary Blog notes.

For other parts of the Essential 100 Scripture Series, click on the link with the topic #E100.




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